Companie alternativă de servicii web


Suntem o companie alternativă construită de oameni cu o abordare proaspătă, ce așteaptă cu nerăbdare să înțeleagă nevoile clienților și împreuna să găsim soluțiile optime. Ne rezervăm timp în fiecare zi pentru a învăța și a cunoaște dificultățile și oportunitățile ce apar în domeniu, astfel încât să livrăm cele mai bune soluții clienților noștri.

Prin munca noastră nu încercăm să obținem cât mai mulți clienți, ci să punem bazele unor colaborări si parteneriate cu scopul de a lucra către scopuri comune ca bunăstarea și independența financiară.

Putem spune că de-a lungul anilor implicarea noastră a fost apreciată de clienți și răsplătită cu multe zâmbete, recomandări și evident remunerații.

For what services is our company recognized


Creation & websites maintenance


Marketing & Brand Identity


Custom web software & applications


Other web services

What We Offer

Mainly, we offer an alternative approach to the overheated market of web & marketing services. We first try to understand your business needs and your problems and after that we offer a package of solutions, from which you can choose. We don’t have predefined service packages, because every client is unique.

On your way to success we want to help your business to grow steadily and to maintain its status in a fast changing online environment.

Over the time, we as the individuals that created this company, had the need for a helping hand to find our way. And only then we understood that we need to do the same for others. We are not saying that we have the key to success for every online business, we just may fail along with you, but we believe in the power of communication and deep understanding of the current online challenges.

What should the focus of our collaboration be?

  • Creating and implementing an online presence strategy 60% 60%
  • Creating Custom Website & LP’s Design 15% 15%
  • Create Marketing & Brand Identity Campaigns 25% 25%

Please keep the following in mind:

but you can only pick 2


Good & Cheep

won’t be fast


Fast & Good

won’t be cheap


Cheap & Fast

won’t be good

Frequently Asked Questions

Everyday we face lots of questions from our clients. And this is the fun part of the day, because only through questions we can really get to know each other.

What kind of clients do you work with?

We don’t have a standard type. As we mentioned earlier, every client is unique and we try our best to help their business.

What is the lowest price for your services?

We have custom offers for our clients, because the needs are different for each client. So a minimum price will be set after an initial consultation. We are trying not to focus on the financial part, but it is important for everyone of course.

What are the first steps of our collaboration?

After the initial discussion, we come up with a possible plan from our side. Then, together we agree what we should do further and talk about a financial offer. If both sides are happy with the result, we make a contract and we start the work.

Thank you for your valuable and quick help, which I received from your company. I hope you will help me in the same manner in the future if needed. With great respect!

Mircea Galescu

Besides quality services, I have found a long-term friendship through our collaboration. Thank you!

Viorel Mateescu

Don't Be Shy

Drop us a line anytime, and one of our customer service reps will get in touch with you as soon as possible.